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Any good allergies out there?


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This might sound like a stupid question, but I am being serious.

As said earlier on this thread I have a bad sesame allergy, in the UK it's not a big problem as there isn't a lot of sesame used and what is used tends to be in the form of seeds so I can see it.

When travelling abroad, especially Asia, a lot more sesame is used and you can't always see it. It's fairly safe to suspect everything has sesame in it in some parts.

In that situation I think it wise to carry an epi pen, just in case.

On reading about them they say you must always go to hospital after using one, mostly because the effect can be short lived and the reaction can return when they wear off.

I don't go to the doctors much. I went a few years back but that was for my HGV medical. He commented that I wasn't a regular visitor and it turned out the last time I had been was for my previous medical 10 years earlier. My point being that if it means I really do have to go to hospital I would probably avoid using the pen.


So, after that long ramble, the question is "do you really really have to go to hospital if you administer the epi pen?"


Most places I have been are so far from the hospital I would probably be dead anyway.

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