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large fox calibres

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Lancs had a fit when i suggested as such, but then listed them all :rolleyes: :rolleyes:



mine now says pest control and deer, used to have fox listed as well then that changed to vermin control and now pests. The logic defies me at times

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there is that but realistically even if you shoot the guts out for whatever reason pretty much everything from .22cf up means they don't go far. I've had them run with the .223 and I've had it with my .243 due to various shot placement reasons but haven't had one go more than 50 yards and with a blood trail that if I blindfolded and covered her nose my hound would still follow ;) I do get your point with regard to pushing for larger calibers but surely there comes a point where how large do you really need to go for foxes. I've spent ages just using the .243 and am enjoying shooting a few with my .223 at the moment we only really shoot most sub 200 yards so not that taxing for either

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Range is pretty irrelevant for most foxing though very few shoot at over 300 yards unless they go out trying to. I'd call 300 under the lamp serious long range foxing. Most of ours are sub 200 and the vast majority sub 100, some of that are an awful lot closer as well almost too close. You'd need quite a green and un educated FEO IMO to start saying you needed to go 6.5 or above on proper long range foxes. I guess when I said fast and flat I was referring to some of the 20 offerings and the likes that I'd find more appealing than just wanting a bigger caliber for the sake of it. When you look at recoil and trying to watch the reaction in the lamp or NV something with very little drop over 300 yards and minimal recoil but with a fast moving light bullet strikes me as far more fun and effective.

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That's a good thought actually because I would love a .357 under-lever for foxing in the woods. Not too fast, and unlike the .223/22-250's etc the bullet won't break up if it clips a leaf on the way to its target.



Something like that would be ideal for me.as most of mine are shot around 50 to 80 yards and with night vision its not easy to see if there is grass or vegetation in the way.



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I was refused point blank .243 for fox only by S.Yorks,


You say 'refused'. Was this an actual, legal refusal in that tou got a letter back saying something along the lines of 'Your application for variation of your FAC is refused by the chief officer because xxxxx' or did you just withdraw it on their 'advice'?



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I was refused point blank .243 for fox only by S.Yorks,


You say 'refused'. Was this an actual, legal refusal in that tou got a letter back saying something along the lines of 'Your application for variation of your FAC is refused by the chief officer because xxxxx' or did you just withdraw it on their 'advice'?



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