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Another clay sessiion wiped out


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Despite forecast arranged to go to Coley's this morning. Rain stopped at 9.20am - a sign I thought. Shooting partner, despite better judgement, picked me up as arranged. As we climbed Birdlip the sense of anticipation started to evaporate unlike the increasingly dense mist we drove into!


At Coley's the viz was around 40 yrds (or worse) which meant few of the clays would be able to be seen either soon enough to make them possible to shoot or visible at all. We waited 30 minutes in the hope it would clear but it seemed to get worse so on advice of staff we abandoned the plan of shooting a 100 or so. Arriving back at the bottom of Birdlip it started raining and has barely stopped since - bet it cleared the mist!


Try again tomorrow perhaps. What a shocker this year has been so far! I have had many sessions cancelled because of the poxy rain but this is the first cancelled because of autumn mists in July!

Edited by SakoQuad
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Despite forecast arranged to go to Coley's this morning. Rain stopped at 9.20am - a sign I thought. Shooting partner, despite better judgement, picked me up as arranged. As we climbed Birdlip the sense of anticipation started to evaporate unlike the increasingly dense mist we drove into!


At Coley's the viz was around 40 yrds (or worse) which meant few of the clays would be able to be seen either soon enough to make them possible to shoot or visible at all. We waited 30 minutes in the hope it would clear but it seemed to get worse so on advice of staff we abandoned the plan of shooting a 100 or so. Arriving back at the bottom of Birdlip it started raining and has barely stopped since - bet it cleared the mist!


Try again tomorrow perhaps. What a shocker this year has been so far! I have had many sessions cancelled because of the poxy rain but this is the first cancelled because of autumn mists in July!


Bloody jet stream.

Same in the northeast yesterday,heavy rain and mist most of yesterday,I was waiting to go up Steve Smith clay shoot but by 2.30pm I gave up.

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Despite forecast arranged to go to Coley's this morning. Rain stopped at 9.20am - a sign I thought. Shooting partner, despite better judgement, picked me up as arranged. As we climbed Birdlip the sense of anticipation started to evaporate unlike the increasingly dense mist we drove into!


At Coley's the viz was around 40 yrds (or worse) which meant few of the clays would be able to be seen either soon enough to make them possible to shoot or visible at all. We waited 30 minutes in the hope it would clear but it seemed to get worse so on advice of staff we abandoned the plan of shooting a 100 or so. Arriving back at the bottom of Birdlip it started raining and has barely stopped since - bet it cleared the mist!


Try again tomorrow perhaps. What a shocker this year has been so far! I have had many sessions cancelled because of the poxy rain but this is the first cancelled because of autumn mists in July!


Come to mork in the morning, should have a dry spell tomorrow looking at the weather :good:

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