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Reply - Lead shot lobby

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I completed the online form on the Countryside Alliance to lobby on the lead shot ban. I was surprised how quick and easy it was to do.

anyway the only response so far iss from my local UKIP representative and I thought you might like to read and take from it what you want :rolleyes: .

Caveat - This does not relate to my person pollitical alliance (as if i had one).



Dear Campaigner


Thank you for writing to Nigel Farage about an EU-initiative to interfere in the manufacture, composition and use of gun-shot, by imposing legislation, which would make ammunition less effective, more expensive or both and place further stringent restrictions on shooting.


Like most of the EU's "environmental" legislation, this initiative comes from the United Nations Organisation, whose "UN Economic Commission for Europe" issued a Heavy Metals Protocol http://www.tno.nl/content.cfm?context=thema&content=prop_publicatie&laag1=896&laag2=915&laag3=109&item_id=176&Taal=2 which was eagerly ratified in 1998, by the EU, and in which "shot and ammunition" are specifically mentioned, and the present development is foreseen.


The EU's captive, and heavily subsidised, lobby-groups are already applying pressure in support of banning lead-ammunition:



UKIP's view is that neither the UN, nor the EU, possesses the democratic legitimacy to impose legislation of any kind, and that any government, which cedes power, to either of these organisations, betrays its electorate and becomes illegitimate also. The British Government will have been in this condition, for forty years, on 1st July 2012.


Naturally, we shall oppose the legislation you mention, when it comes before us, but, since the EU's "parliament" has only rejected four-or-five of the EU-Commission's 10,000-odd,legislative proposals, this century, and since UKIP's delegation - though relatively substantial - can never be more than a tiny minority in a 752-seat EU-assembly, the chances of our defeating it are nugatory.


The only hope of rejecting this measure lies in rejecting the EU, which is indeed UKIP's policy and only UKIP's policy.


Yours sincerely

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Had this reply, quite encouraging:


Dear Mr XXXX


Thank you for emailing me regarding the issue of the European Chemicals Agency’s (ECHA’s) investigation into lead in ammunition.


I, like you, believe that there is a lack of evidence that lead in ammunition has any impact either on human health or to the environment. The UK has a long tradition of recreational shotgun, game, shooting and inland shooting.


I wholeheartedly support your campaign and believe that this current investigation is a threat to our countryside economy. I will do my utmost to prevent any European legislation interfering with our tradition.


Kind regards



Ashley Fox MEP

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