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my first outing


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Had my first outing with a shotgun today, i just recently got my cert and i am still looking for my first gun, the farmer who's ground i was shooting on kindly offered me one of his guns for the day.i set up a hide and placed out my decoys and waited ,in the first hour i had 3 pigeons for 3 shots so i was well chuffed ,this was pretty slow as there are not massive numbers there just now . i managed to add another pigeon and a crow in the next cpl of hours ,so packed up and headed home. not a great bag but i was more than happy.great day out and the beginning of a sharp learning curve. :yes:

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Well done mate :good: and its really nice of the farmer to loan you a gun :good:

Its not always about the size of the bag, you got some, you had a good day and were safe.

Well done again and Ive a feeling more money will leak from your wallet as you get hooked :lol:


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thanks for the encouragement guys,i can see my budget getting increased already,im after a turbo flapper next, i recon i could have pulled in a lot more birds if i had one, the pigeons were thinking about coming in to my pattern but were landing in the other field where a larger flock had amassed ,but i will just keep adding to my kit until i get all the neccesary tools ,thats part of the fun and challenge i think ,getting the birds to come in without a clue ,im itching to get back out now.



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