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Fac variation

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Hi I have cz452 22lr :D Can't fault it is it poss to send of and ask for 22lr again ,for a night site so I don't have to swap every time ,if so is it the same forms as applying for Fac in the first place ,might even put on one for fox but un sure which one cheers

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I have four .22LR's on my ticket but had them from the beginning so a while now - self-loading (semi auto), bolt action, gallery rifle (a Marlin Golden Boy) and a benchrest but it all depends on what you're looking for.


This is in addition to two pistols and .357 rifle.


You maybe asked why you need two of the same if you're not a club member and in competitions but best bet is probably to call your local licencing office and sound them out but hope you get what you need.



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yeah its the same form! I got 2 22lr a bolt action for day and semi auto for night. Had a 17HMR very accurate, a little loud and wind sensitive. Changed the 17hmr with variation for 223 fox and long range vermin as it was wind sensitve. W.Yorkshire didnt even contact me about it just sent it back as i had requested on the variation.

you shouldnt have a problem so long as you have "good reason"

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It's the same forms, but without the referee stuff. And a £26 cheque.


Put down night vision as the 'good reason' for a second .22, that's acceptable.

For foxes, you need a .22 center-fire or larger (.223 is a commonly used foxing round, it's a good choice) - it depends on the ranges you intend to shoot them at. A step up from a .223 could be a .22-250 or a .243 if you like to make them very dead over long distances.

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I think that you normally would, however don't forget that when you do so you can't buy any more ammo. If the waiting times are long then sometimes you can send in the forms, and when they process it then send in your certificate when needed. If they deal with things quickly then it's easier to just send it in (but I don't know what your force is like). If you know someone who can buy you ammo then that makes it easier.

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