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first for a long long while


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i went out to walk the dog tonight and since it was blowing 35-40mph wind with showers i didnt bother taking the rifle. 100 yards out the road i looked over the wall and here is two rabbits sitting in the yard so i nipped back to the house and grabbed my old air rifle. the reason for the air rifle and not the usual .22lr was because the other day i had been cleaning it up and setting the sights thinking that before too long my oldest son will be big enough to be having a shot. its a .22 webly excel, the air rifle i shot my first rabbit with 16-17 years ago. i havnt shot it for a long long time. it made me smile thinking back on all the excitement and effort that went in to getting close enough for a shot compaired to using the .22lr or the .223 now.





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