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My new toy


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Christened it tonight - 3 decent size coney's while lamping, and my grandson got one of them. All head shots and dropped cleanly :good:


We had an almost windless evening so it seemed a good idea to leave the rimmie home and try her out. I'd tried a few shots at a target board the other evening which seriously impressed me, and I was just itching for my night off.


I had previously been pleased with my AAs410, but this regulated gun is so "repeatable" is the best way I can describe it. In addition, I found that there is barely 5mm of drop between it's full power setting of 26ish ftlb and it's mid power setting of 18 ish ftlb at 40 yards. There is also a 11/12 ish ftlb setting. I have not yet combro'd it.


This gun seems more precise than my rimmie which I prefer to take chest shots with which allow a small degree of latitude to the recycle movement of the gun as it fires. When I use my brothers anschutz bolt action I take head shots, but the hit is sometimes obscured by smoke in the lamplight. Headshots are SOOOOO much more predictable with this regulated air rifle.


I'd anticipated more difficulty than I actually had with refitting full magazines (it holds 8 pellets). I'm right handed but it's mounted from the right hand side while holding the gun in the left hand. It comes easily with practice.




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