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Rabbit and Black Pudding Stew


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I have tried this, the quantities can be halved if you want a stew for 2!



2 Bunnies (dressed and de-boned and diced - if you can leave them soaking overnight in

brine/White wine vinegar even better!)

1lb of Black pudding

2 medium onions

2 carrots

1 apple

a Little olive oil

salt and pepper

1 level teaspoon mixed dried herbs

2 chicken stock cubes and 1 vegetable stock cube

1 pint of boiling water (in a jug)


Shortcrust Scones

Plain flour - 6 ozs

margarine 2ozs

a little cold water to bind

pinch of salt and pepper, pinch of dried sage


Take your bunnies and brown them off in a HOT frying pan with some Olive oil.

Once browned place in a large casserole dish.

Chop your black pudding up into large chunks and brown off quickly. add to casserole dish

Chop onion, carrots and apple (leave skin on if desired)

add to the casserole dish.

Take 1 pint of boiling water in a jug and add the stock cubes and herbs. Leave the stock to stand until cooled slightly.

Add salt and pepper to the casserole mix and stir well, add the stock and place in a preheated oven at 180 degrees celsius.

cook for 1 hour and then turn the oven down to 150 degrees for a further 2 hours. ;D


To make the scones mix the flour and margarine together until it resembles breadcrumbs, add salt, pepper and sage. Add a little water until the mixture just begins to bind.

knead mix together and leave to stand for 20 minutes in the fridge.

Quickly roll out dough to 1 inch thick and cut out scones using a knife or scone cutter, place on a lightly greased tray and brush lightly with a little milk.

***** (as in lightly stab rhymes with, Rick, rick with a p in front of it) with a fork ( so they look pretty!)

Add the scones to the oven 30 minutes before the casserole is cooked - check after 15 minutes (to see if cooked stick a sharp knife in if it comes out clean there done!)

They should take about 15-25 minute to cook depending on how thick they are.

Once cooked remove from oven allow to cool very slightly and then serve with mashed potatoes!

Edited by secretagentmole
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