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x 20 silencer


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Went out last night shooting the X20 with no silencer and a friend had a smk xs78 with silencer. Comparing them both together the X20 was just too damn loud. Therefore I need a decent silencer for the X20. Now the guy in the shop states that the one comes with X20 it is no good. therefore whats your opinons on the silencer issue.



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You mean the X20 Suppressor as opposed to the X20 ?


The X20 Suppressor seems quieter at the muzzle compared to another couple of air rifles that I have,

and manufacturers website shows the comparative db levels of its different models,


But theX20 gun itself IS a real 'clunker'

Edited by TaxiDriver
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Your best bet buy a pcp as its really not worth spending any money on an X20 sorry but thats the truth and as the x20 shroud is a cocking tool on this gun and not meant to be a silencer stick with it or sell it!


Not being funny but you will benefit by buying a pcp as they dont really lose their value and are more in demand.

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Do you know someone who does / has done this ?

As I said above, the muzzle report might well be quiet but the gun itself is a real CLUNKER :hmmm:


Woodfield Gun Care Products, these people..




He knows precisely what can be done to this rifle and how to get the best from it, ring him and have a word!


Oh by the way before you ring him make sure you have been to the toilet, got a hot drink, a plate of sandwhiches, somewhere comfortable to sit, he can go on for hours, really knows his stuff! A Woodfield tuned gun is a superb rifle!

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