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Canada decoys


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Just ordered 3 boxes of FUDs, can't wait to try them out. Was wondering if anyone else uses them, I'll be using them mainly on stubble and wet fields. So what decoys do you guys use, also been looking at the sillosocks, seem pretty cheap are they any good?

Never decoyed Canada's before so any tips will be appreciated such as patterns, calling e.c.t.

Look forward to your responses.

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I have used them on many occasions to good effect. I just placed them in a half circle facing the wind. All geese bar one had heads downfeeding with one on sentry duty. Kept them around 2-3 m apart in various directions.


The geese kept coming in and landing straight into the gap. Some were shot and then took off and then landed back into the decoys. Mad!!!


Very good!!

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Pinks and greys are. Canada will quite happily circle the decoys while you reload after shooting some of the skien allowing a couple more shots.

Forget the body. Pretend the head is a partridge and shoot that.

Don't shoot to early. Let them circle if theve not fully committed

And don't shoot the lead goose. Go for the ones further back, there not as tough and chewy.

Have a bag limit set in place and try to get off the stubble before the last skien arrives. And don't over shoot the field

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If you shoot them off the field then they will go find somewhere else to feed, you take the chance on their new place being better then your place and not coming back.


I was shooting a pond, i only took 2 each time i shot, the farmer wanted them off so i shot 7, 2 were shouting at me so i let them have it in all. they havent come back since, that was 12 months ago.

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Ok one last question, how do you know weather or not the skein coming in is the last or not?


You will only know this by watching the field for a few days first, you will then be able to see how many skeins normally come in and at roughly what time. It's like shooting a flight pond, when you shoot have a finish time in mind and stick to it.

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