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Magnum primers

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Guest cookoff013

yes !

especially if the load has extremely light shot charge or a light powder charge !

however, i wouldnt recomend using magnum primers unless the recipe actually stated "magnum" primer.

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Guest cookoff013

Saying that would they help in the winter?


in winter to do what?


your shell / powder selection should be 9-10,000psi whatever the weather, at this pressure it should all burn clean and burn right. and without doubt should easily achieve the published data.

thats why i`ve a liking for titewad, can burn down at silly low pressure, even a **** could set it off. if you are having poor ballistics or stuck wads etc, then you need to re-evaluate your data.

just going on a whim of using untested recipes or exceeding parameters of published is asking for trouble.you can have a guess at whats happening, but never actually know whats going on.

i`ve been wrong a few times, with a couple of reloaded "supposed" recipes (wrong as, i didnt hit expected pressure / speed. it was lower) due to different data types and the different method of gathering the data.


so in your case of adding a magnum primer maybe a waste of effort, as some magnum primers only add (*guess*)10000psi or more. whereas if the load is so poor, a magnum primer isnt going to do anything.


as for the data you have recieved, it clearly stated "LESS THAN x tons /SQ inch" so it could be anything from 1bar / 14psi (unlikely) to MAX psi / MAX bar (unlikely)


if you had physical numbers such as its actual pressure, then we could read into the data more.


anything other than that would be just speculation, and i doubt anyone here would be any help.

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Thanks for that, to be fair I have not tried the 29 grain yet, to see if it helps it burn cleaner i was stuck having acupuncture for an hr, and was mulling a few things over.


I did give reddot 24grains 28g fibre a go this weekend, alongside some cheap hull 27g clay carts, i maybe biased but I did like the reddot better.

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I have mixed views about magnum primers. I don't find they seem to make a big difference one way or the other.(if indeed any?) I suppose if they did there would be some idiot blowing himself up and sueing the manufacturers. I still use them where they are called for because you worry if you don't but I suspect a lot of it is flim flam.

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