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Benneli M2

Deer Man

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I own one, its very good. I shoot clays with it most weekends, and fire maybe 100-150 shots. I also hunt with it from time to time. Ive put everything from no.9 clay carts to 50gr BBs through it, and have yet to have a jam.

It takes a lot less cleaning than a gas auto too, I was concerned about cleaning behind the bolt, and thought Id better remove it, but I rang the suppliers who just said nar give it a squirt of aerosol cleaner once every couple of thousand carts, that will do it :good:

It does recoil, but less than an o/u. The main thing I notice is how "straight" it shoots, there feels like theres very little barrel lift on firing.

All in all, a superb gun.

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I'm saving for another Benelli at the mo. The M2 is the way forward but I really fancy a SBE2. I already own a Benelli and I would highly reccomend them.


If you really want info on the M2 then look at the American forums. Like most guns there are people who dont like them but in general they appear to be very good guns and very popular in the states. PM me if you want a link to a good American forum site.



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The 2 guns are similar in handling and they share the same furniture. The difference other than chamber length

is that the SBE2 is slightly heavier and the reciever is a 2 piece construction (which makes cleaning even easier) rather than a 1 piece.


The SBE2 is designed primarily as a waterfowling gun where as the M2 is an alrounder. Both quality guns.



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