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Whats the best way to shoot pigeons on farms without crops?

il cacciatore

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Where I live, farms that grow crops are a rarity and all my permissions have livestock. I'm abit puzzled to how I can go about shooting woodies, the way that most people do it is go to a field with a crop in it and lay down the decoys but I cant do this cause my farms dont do crops.


Anyone with a solution? Surely I would be wasting my time trying to decoy pigeons onto grass?




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Where I live, farms that grow crops are a rarity and all my permissions have livestock. I'm abit puzzled to how I can go about shooting woodies, the way that most people do it is go to a field with a crop in it and lay down the decoys but I cant do this cause my farms dont do crops.


Anyone with a solution? Surely I would be wasting my time trying to decoy pigeons onto grass?




One of my farms is a Dairy farm and i do quite well on there, try the muck heaps and look for the pigeons feeding on clover!! They love clover!! :good:

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I never seen anything of the like! :blink:



Unless the cattle are over wintered outdoors there is bound to be a muck heap or some sort of slurry store somewhere. This is where all the muck is stored whilst awaiting being spread on the fields.


It is also a good place to nobble foxes that are looking for rats and mice.



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One of the farms does have a big pile of ****e actually. Do pigeons eat ****e?:blink: I need to buy some BBs for foxes. ..



What the pigeons are looking for is grain and animal feed. The bulk of the **** on the muck heap will be made up of straw from animal bedding which will contain a lot of grains. Also if the muck has been there for a while then very often these grains will will germinate and provide nice young green shoots that the pigeons love.

The muck heap will also be full of worms and other insects that will attract crows as well as other birds.



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