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Seasonal Canine Illness?


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I've just been to give the dogs a run in Clumber Park and at the entrance to where I sometimes walk them was a sign posted by the AHT (Animal Health Trust) warning of SCI.


They have an online survey that they are asking people to complete if they use any of the following places for dog walking:

Sandringham Estate or Thetford Forest, Norfolk, Sherwood Forest or Clumber Park, Nottinghamshire or Rendlesham Forest, Suffolk.

They state that these sites aren't listed due to dogs being ill in these areas but it makes you wonder. Either last year or the year before the pet dog of a local family fell ill and died after being in the park. It sparked rumors of poisoning and signs went up asking people to keep dogs on leads.

I just wondered if any of you use any of the other areas and have heard similar stories.



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Hi sco77w im local to you Mansfield its about this time of year when all the signs go up around us for people to be aware of SCI. Was at the vets last thurs and asked him about it there has been no cases of it so far but there are tests going on. Told me to keep an eye out for sickness and the dog being lathargic. Lets hope it dosnt happen. By the way are you still going to blyth gundogs training ?

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