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What is is worth


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Could someone give me an idea of what my gun is worth please?

It's a Midland Gun Company gun, 30" sxs. non ejector.

It's been for sale for a while now and though I've reduced it to £350, I'm not sure if I'm way off the mark. Others seem to be around the 800+ area.


There are some photos here for the gun...







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Hi Jon

Firstly, you are only going to get mislead by anyone coming up with a price on an old lady like this, based on a series of photographs. Put simply its worth what someone is prepared to pay.

The things that are against a prompt sale are;

Its a non-ejector and has "been about a bit" ! By your admission the barrels are slightly pitted and by the state of the screws its been pulled apart a number of times by someone who didnt use the proper turn-screws. The 30 inch barrels are also not everyones cup of tea. She is obviously around 100 years old and not made by one of the better known and respected makers.

A lot of Gun Shops wont touch guns like this unless they are really good to immaculate condition, for the simple reason they cannot shift them. One of the shops I use regularly dreads guns like this being offered for part-ex, because most of his customers want over & unders or an auto. AYAs sell, because of their reputation and spares back up. But buy an old english gun and then find the striker breaks after 3 weeks and its going to cost the dealer an arm and a leg to put right if he has given some form of warranty.


Have a look at some of the auction sites (Holts / Bonhams/ etc) and you will see that such guns are going for silly money.


The most accurate way to put a realistic value to it, is run it into your local gun dealer & see what he is offering against a new Berretta or such like. Then add £100 to what he is offering !


He will want to put a set of proof gauges down the barrels or measure the bores. Having proof marks is no guarantee that the barrels have not been lapped out to within a whisker of proof before you got it.


Best of luck with your sale; but be aware that the majority of buyers are seeking O/U; my local man reckons he sells 20 to 30 of them if they are competitivley priced for every SxS he can shift.

Edited by JJsDad
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  • 2 weeks later...

Realistacally, Max id pay is £250, but to be honest I would want to pay about £150.


If its any help, i saw a AYA boxlock non ejector for £199 at a local shop the other day, and AYA's tend to hold their price.


Another persective is i picked up a 3.5'' auto last year for £200 and that was MINT and hadnt shot many cartridges at all.


Look on gunstar or similar for similar guns and look at their prices.


Theres a similar (boxlock) Gunmark Kesteral going for £129.


Alternativily, just put up the minimum you would accept for it and go from there.

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