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Crosman Powapel


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Hi, I was having a mess around earlier with my 22 and I decided to mess about with a tin of powapels and accupels I had. Ironically I found I had better groupings and harder-hitting shots with the powapels. Thought it was funny since it was the accupels which claimed to be the more accurate of the two....but I know what I'll be sticking too for now =). Anyone else tried Powapels in 22?



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I used Powapells for a while, before I went off Crossman pellets for good. The accuracy is better, but I found the stopping power to be pretty poor, as they just punch clean holes Through&Through. Its better to have a round (Diabolo) shaped pellet, as it will deliver more energy on first impact, rather then using the energy to punch a clean hole.


If you take a peice of paper, and hit it with a pin, you will move it only slightly, and the pic will peirce. If you hit the paper at the same speed with a pencil or your finger, it will be much more difficult to peice it, because of the incread area of the item. This means the energy will be a lot larger on first impact, as if you imagine, the pellet will be pushing harder to peirce, giving a bigger shockwave before penetrating to the area.


(I hope this makes a little sense :good: )

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Hmmm ok fair play. I'll give them a go in the field and see how they get on, I do try to only take headshots so I'm hoping that would make it less of a problem? Also its 22 so its going to punch a bigger hole than 177 anyway which I'd normally use....but I guess I'll have to try it on quarry before I can really comment lol.

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I found accupells to be dirty and full of swarf. The best thing about them was the flat back that shone in the lamplight like a tracer!

In my opinion Air Arms pellets are of superior quality (when they are not deformed!) and so much cleaner.


I have a really defforemed tin of air arms field too, i prefer daystate they all seem to be alot less damaged, they cost more, but this means you dont need to sit there picking out all the damaged pellets :D

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I use powapells in my axsor they are far more accurate than any other I've tried and I have shot a good few hundred rabbits with them.


I shoot accupells or AA field in my S410k as they both perform pretty much the same in my gun. I have shot a couple of hundred rabbits with both of these and they are no more dead than the ones shot with the powapells.



Round headed pellets do generally perform better over distance and I would avoid all other pointed pellets other than powapells. But the point made about them not doing enough damage is nonsense !


If you shoot your target through the brain then it dont matter a toss what shape the pellet is. It will kill !!


It all boils down to what shoots the more accurately in your gun. End of story !




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