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How do you store

Lancs Lad

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I have got the lanber sporting deluxe, when cocked and "made ready" the barrel break mechanism is slighty over to the right. The gun can be closed.


There is a little pin on the front block above the two firing pins that you can depress which brings this mechanism back into the straight position. This prevents the gun from being closed.


My question is this, is it better to store the gun with the lever in the straight position, or store it closed and made safe by firing off the action using snap caps.



Closed - made safe and fired off with snap caps - but this leaves the breaking mechanism slightly to the right.


Open - pin depressed with breaking mechanism lever in the straight position.



Advice is GREATLY appreciated.....

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Closed and not fired (made safe) is fine.

Don't use snap caps, it's fine as it is.

There is no need to relieve the main springs these days that is a hangover from the past, and you only load up the eject springs by doing that anyway, unless you take it apart and release them seperately.

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Taken down, oiled like theres no tomoro, and made 100% safe. Ususally the 12b sits in two parts in the safe, with the forend clipped back on the barrel after dissasebmly/cleaning.


The rifels get the bolts removed + decocked, oiled + brushed clean, and barrels are lubed to prevent even tiny amounts of bore corrosion. (most important part to keep clean/rust free) then the bolts are locked in a seperate safe :good:

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