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We had been invited to a friends house for food and drinks last night so I offered to bring something food/drink wise, I was taken up on the offer so I made game pie which turned out very good. Everyone had a bit and really enjoyed it so I thought I would share the recipe. There is a bit of prep time but I think its worth it. The meat i used was the venison and goose, mallard, pigeon, woodcock, snipe and rabbit. Here's the link,




My pie :drool:


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It was really good. If anything I put in a bit too much orange, it was a really big juicy orange I had. The meat was good, you could tell the different meats apart, I have had game pies before where the meat was over powered by other flavours and it may as well been all beef or something.

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The best thing about game pie is that you can use any meat and you add your own little touches to it.

My downside is i don`t understand why every recipe has to contain garlic, personally i can`t stand the stuff.

A pie sells itself on its appearance and you certainly done that one some justice, looks very appetizeing. :good:

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