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Licence Question

Alex C

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Hi Fellas,


Mate of mine lives abroad and has done for a while. First in the Isle Of Man and more recently in the Middle East. Whilst in the Isle of Man he held a certificate over there so kept guns at his house and could buy ammo etc.


Since moving to the middle east he rented his house in the IOM so he has no UK residence currently. I have one of his guns on my ticket and he shoots only with me.


However it gets difficult if he is home and he wants to take his lad out as we have to all go together, also he cant buy his own ammo.


My question is, can he apply for a SGC using my address so he can keep his guns at mine but go out and shoot / buy ammo on his own ?


Any help appreciated



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is he down as living at your address ? how long does he stay away from this country ? when you say you all have to go out togethor, do you mean clay pigeon shooting or has he got permission somewhere ? may be wrong but if he aint got uk residence how can he have a licence to hold guns

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He is living and working in the Middle east. He comes back for around a week at a time every couple of months. He is not registered as living at my address, because he doesnt, but i dont mind him using my address for a SGC application. He currently has no uk residence, other than a property in the IOM which he rents out


He doesnt own any guns as such. I own them and they are on my licence, he just gave me the money to pay for them.


It would just be easier if he could hold a licence so he could buy his own carts and take himself and his son to the clay club while he is home without having to organise it around me as well.


Sound like it could be a no goer ?


Thanks for the replies anyway.

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Visitors permit each time he comes back would be the answer....


To grant a permit, the Chief Officer of Police must be satisfied that the applicant is visiting or intends to visit Great Britain and either:
  • In the case of a visitor’s firearm permit, have good reason for having each firearm and the ammunition to which the permit relates in his possession, or, in the case of ammunition, for purchasing or acquiring it while a visitor to Great Britain
  • In the case of a visitor’s shotgun permit, the applicant has a good reason for having each shotgun to which the permit relates in his possession, or for purchase or acquiring it, while they are a visitor to Great Britain.

A Chief Officer of Police will not grant a permit to any person if he or she has reason to believe that:

  • Their possessing ammunitions or weapons would present a danger to public safety or to the peace
  • They are prohibited from possessing such weapons or ammunition

When a permit is granted it will be sent to the sponsor who should forward it to the visitor in their country of origin, for presentation to customs on arrival in Great Britain. A visitor's permit will be accepted in lieu of a Department of Trade & Industry import licence. Failure to produce the permit at the time of importation may lead to the firearms / shotguns being detained or seized.

Members of EU countries must be in possession of a European Firearms Pass which must be forwarded with the application for the permit.

Should an application for the grant of a visitor's permit be refused, there is no right of appeal. Notification of such a refusal will, circumstances allowing, be detailed by letter in good time to prevent any unnecessary travel costs.


As he wont require travel with the guns it should be easier worth a call to FEO in the new year to discuss.

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