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Fixed choke guns


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Choke is a comparison between the size of the bore and the size of the restriction at the muzzle.


The most accurate way is to have them measured using a bore micrometer. This device measures the bore through the length of the barrel.Any decent gunshop should have one.


The original choke sizes may be on the breech end of the barrels but this assumes that the the gun has never been altered.


Choke gauges,the type that fit in the muzzle,are not accurate as they do not take into account the size of the bore before the choke.

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Thanks there are markins on the barrels but I can't tell what there meant to mean.


What type of marlins should I be looking for??


I'm putting the gun up for sale in the next couple of days so its just so I can advertise the gun as so and so fixed choke.



Edited by chady
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