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My first permission and a question


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Up until now my FAC has limited me to range use only. However I now have a permission which I am told by the landowner is already registered with the police. Now obviously I have to submit the permissions in writing to the police, and I also assume that I have to return my FAC. Is this correct ?. Or will they just reissue my FAC. I will need to send it back some time soon, as the back page is now full, I assume if I send it back and the land is actually approved, I should receive a new FAC allowing vermin control, and the purchase of expanding ammunition.


Sorry for the obvious questions, I would rather ask them here than directly to the FEO.


On another matter is it likely that I will have to be mentored (Kent constabulary). I have been shooting a couple of years, longer with a shotgun.



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If your FAC is for target shooting only, then you will need to return your FAC to Kent for a reissue with a covering letter explaining you have now gained permission to shoot vermin with a copy of the permission slip as you say. I'm not sure if it counts as a variation as you're now requesting expanding ammo though...


If you're only shooting a rimfire, its very unlikely you'll need mentoring especially as you've previously held an FAC for target use. However, if you do, theres a few of us kent lads on here, and I'd be happy to help there if needs be, but I'm sure you'll be fine.


Word of warning though, they are taking an absolute age to process paperwork at the moment so don't hold your breath!

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Out of curiosity why would you not prefer to ask the FEO?


You generally get the correct answer fresh from the horses mouth, only he can say how long it might take.

I just wanted to know the answers before contacting him tomorrow. I always try to be a step ahead, silly questions ref process asked online are one thing, to the FEO well thats another :)

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