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Well I spent the whole of Saturday shooting a permission I have and it was either all or nothing. Most fields were still covered in snow so pickings were scarce but any field where the snow had melted were magnets and were getting flocks in their hundreds. All of my fields where snow bounds but I did manage to clear a section, set-up some decoys and waited..... 90 minutes in and a huge flock descended and I managed to empty both barrels and missed on both...... then nothing. Two crows made the mistake to investigate my crow decoy but di dnot see another pigeon on the ground or in the sky.


Changed tactics and packed the decoys away and did a little walking gun around the hedges and sitty trees....... managed to bag one red leg and popped a high flying pigeon - to my amazement - but a long day with few opportunities.


SUNDAY was supposed to be a rainy day - which is why I shot on Saturday but turned out to be dry, windy and perfect for Pigeons..... sadly I was helping a friend empty a house so all I could do was look on longingly......


At least I got out at the weekend... :-)

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That's a typical day round here I'm afraid, at this time of year. Too much rape to feed on, too many gas guns and rockets have made the birds move about until they find a peacful field with rape showing. It's not "flight lines" anymore but "flock-strings", a huge number of birds playing follow the leader. You can shoot the brave leader and scare the other 999. Then it's game over.

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