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Field trial champion


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Copied from Kennel Club site


c. Title of Field Trial Champion (FT Ch) The following dogs shall be entitled to be

described as Field Trial Champions. All first place awards are confined to Open

Stakes for which a Field Trial Certificate will be awarded to each winner:


(1) Pointers and Setters

(a) A dog placed first in the Pointer and Setter Champion Stake.

(B) A dog which gains two first awards at two different Field Trial

meetings in Open Stakes for Pointers and Setters under two different

Panel A Judges. In the event that the same Panel A Judge officiates at

both Trials, the dog will be entitled to the title of Field Trial Champion

provided that the co-Judge at one Trial is also a PanelAJudge.

Theremust be no fewer than 16 runners in each of the Stakes and one of these

wins must be in a Stake open to Pointers and all breeds of Setter.


(2) Retrievers

(a) A dog placed first in the Retriever Championship.

(B) A dog which gains two first awards in 24-dog Open Stakes under three

different Panel A Judges.

© A dog which gains a first award in one 24-dog and one 12-dog Open

Stake under three different PanelAJudges.

(d) A dog which gains a first award in three 12-dog Open Stakes under

three different PanelAJudges.

In a 24-dog Stake there must be no fewer than 20 runners and in a 12-dog

Stake no fewer than 10 runners. For a dog to be entitled to the title of Field

Trial Champion one of its wins must be in a Stake open to all breeds of


(3) Proviso for all Retrievers

Before any Retriever is entitled to be described as a Field Trial Champion it

must also have Water and Drives Certificates. The Water Certificate may,

but not necessarily, be gained at a specialWater Test. The special water test

must have been conducted before two Panel A Judges at one of the

following: the Retriever Championship, a Field Trial Stake, or at a

subsequent special test. (J(A)2 refers.)

PART III K 3.189


(4) Cocker Spaniels

(a) A dog placed first in the Cocker Spaniel Championship.

(B) A dog which gains two first awards in Open Stakes under two different

Panel A Judges. In the event that the same Panel A Judge officiates at

both Stakes, the dog will be entitled to the title of Field Trial Champion

provided that the co-Judge at one Stake is also a PanelAJudge.

With the exception of the Cocker Spaniel Championship all Stakes must be

limited to a maximum of 18 dogs. In order for the Stakes to qualify there

must be no fewer than 14 runners.


(5) English Springer Spaniels

(a) A dog placed first in the English Springer Spaniel Championship.

(B) A dog which gains two first awards in Open Stakes under two different

Panel A Judges. In the event that the same Panel A Judge officiates at

both Stakes, the dog will be entitled to the title of Field Trial Champion

provided that the co-Judge at one Stake is also a PanelAJudge.

With the exception of the English Springer Spaniel Championship all Stakes

must be limited to a maximum of 18 dogs. In order for the Stakes to qualify

there must be no fewer than 14 runners.

(6) Proviso for all Spaniels

Before a dog is entitled to be described as a Field Trial Champion it must

also have gained a Water Certificate. The Water Certificate may, but not

necessarily, be gained at a special Water Test. The special water test must

have been conducted before two PanelAJudges at one of the following: the

Championship, a Field Trial Stake or at a subsequent special test. (J(A)2



(7) Breeds which Hunt, Point & Retrieve

(a) A dog placed first in the Championship for Breeds which Hunt, Point

and Retrieve.

(B) A dog which gains two first awards in Open Stakes for breeds which

Hunt, Point and Retrieve under two different Panel A Judges. In the

event that the same Panel A Judge officiates at both Stakes, the dog will

be entitled to the title of Field Trial Champion provided the co-Judge at

one Stake is also a PanelAJudge.

In order for the Stakes to qualify there must be no fewer than 10 runners.

For the dog to be entitled to the title of Field Trial Champion one of its wins

must be in a Stake open to all breeds which Hunt, Point and Retrieve.

d. Dual Champion Any Gundog which has been awarded the title of Show

Champion & Field Trial Champion

e. Title of Obedience Champion (Ob Ch)

Edited by WGD
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