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Baileys Water Retrieve


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Took Bracken, Bailey & Fen (Paul Hart's dog) a walk along the canal yesterday (mainly to give them a wash :lol: ) It was a nice day but the water was still bloody cold. Started off giving old Bracken a few retrieves & Paul sent Fen in too :good: Baileys former owner had told me he loved to splash & run around in the Sea near their house but had not done any water work with him. I sat him down, threw the dummy & sent him on, his entry was a bit cannier than my old lad but i'm OK wae that :yes: I am sure he will realize the sense of urgency if & when the time arises :) He had a few perfect retrieves & then took him up to the back of the Wood to introduce him to the crack of a dummy launcher from a distance & he was fair keen so I sat him a fair bit away & cracked the launcher & threw the dummy a short distance, sent him on it & a perfect retrieve to hand. On the water retrieve he was shaking before coming back with the dummy & I know all the gundog trainers say they should deliver to hand first but as long as he keeps hold that will do me :good: He will soon learn what his job is & for the short time I have had him he's been great - even been in the house during the day for the last 2 days :blush: :blush:






It was hard to get a pic of all 3 this morning with the sun shining through the trees causing shaddows :(



ps, & some numpty fell in a peat bog up to his ******** :blush: :blush: :blush:

Edited by Tam
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Fine job tam he is a stunning lookin dog mate and looks like your onto a good one wi him av got an old lab 13 now and he is still as keen today on water retrieves as he was the first day out 12 years ago as for the shaking a would no be to worried about that unless you want ta trial him as long as he brings it back straight after his shake a wid be well chuffed


Atb andy

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