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Does screwcut barrel HAVE to be proofed?

il cacciatore

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Was wondering if anyone could answer me a question.


When your having a rifle barrel chopped down and screw cut for a moderator: does it have to be proofed by law? Does the shop have to have it proofed? In theory they are selling you the service and not the barrel because you already own it.


I thought it only needed proofed if you were selling the gun to someone else... then you need to have it proofed.


Could someone clarify this for me?

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It is a debatable point as to whether a screw cut barrel needs proofing or not - immediately after screw cutting or before sale - and so each will have their own interpretation of the wording of the Proof Act.


However, a dealer (RFD) is not allowed to work on a Gun/Rifle then let you have it back if it is then, because of the work, out of proof without resubmitting it for proof. So some dealers / gunsmiths may require your rifle to be proofed whereas others do not see that the law requires a screw cut barrel to be proofed at all and so do not send it to proof before returning it to your good self.


Considering there has been as yet no case that sets a specific legal principle that all courts would adhere should YOU be prosecuted it would seem sensible to have any screw cut barrel reproofed before sale simply because it is an offence to sell an out of proof weapon and by having it reproofed you ensure whichever way the law is interpreted you are still OK.


If however you do have your rifle reproofed before sale because you feel the law requires it, remember that should you sell the moderator with the rifle then that must also be (re) proofed whereas if sold separately it need not (necessarily) have any proof marks whatsoever..


Since it is often most inconvenient for you to have a weapon proofed yourself it may be best to have it reproofed when screw cut and let the dealer organize the reproofing for both rifle and moderator.


If you have not already done so have a look at this page on Jackson Rifles site.



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