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power adjustable pcp's


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looking to upgrate from springer to PCP in the very near future!


looking for information regarding adjustable power setings on them that i have heard about, where a quick manual adjustment of the gun "a flick of a switch" can vary the power from 12-18-36 ft/lbs


obviously on my ticket just looking for the names of these types of adjustable gun and anyone perosnal opinion on them!



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that would be most of the rifles RWS, FX and some webley rifles and some logun rifles. Though most of them are made around Fredrick Axors (or is it atkinsons?) desingns the logun gladiator and dominator are probably the two most well known, and more recently the FX cyclone from ben taylor and sons (BTAS). Fairly certain they were mostly all FX rifles just rebaged for sale in this cournty under lisence from FX or was it RWS? thats the trouble when so many different rifles are so similar.


There was a time when webley brought out the spectre then the following month logun brought out their version, the only problem was they were identicle rifles!!!!!! the comics had heck of a time finding an excuse to advertise loguns newest rifle just a couple of weeks after showing us the all singing all dancing new webley rifle LOL


ROB :rolleyes:

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i have the older with fixed power,my mate bought the new one with adjustable power.if he messes with the power he misses everything.its hard enough to know the trajectory without adjusting power. my advice buy the older model have killed out to 80 metres with it slightly noisy would be my only fault with it.i bought a 12 ft lbs for closer ranges s400 carbine great little gun,i shot 6 magpies inside a minute with it yesterday morning.all the same love the hitting power of the xtra.i can put a pellet clean through a rook at 60 yds. immediate switch off. have fun

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,i shot 6 magpies inside a minute

:blink: :lol: :blink:


I will agree that fixed power is the way forward ...............Companies are always looking for ways to make their product more appealing and therefore improve on sales ......IMO variable power is a unessersary gimic


I have and still use the older S410 xtra fac :yp:

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here is how to use a variable power rifle.




to find the best scope you need two targets one at your far distance zeroing range for full power and another at your closer low power range.


1. zero the rifle at long distance

2. take a couple of shots at low power at near target adjust zoom on scope to enable shot to ne on either a mildot or the thick post at the bottom of the cross hair.


the variable power rifles really are good IF your willing to put in the range time and learn how to use them!


The variable rifles are much more versatile than many of the fixed power rifles, if you dont have time to spend down the range or on a quiet bit of your shoot laying some lead, then yes they are a waste of time and money.


ROB :blink:

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