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right here goes please dont reply with any smart comments

i have access to 2 stalking perrmissions one a very good freind near fort william and one near the top of leicester and there are room for me my lamping buddy and someone else. this could be you

i can go on these shoots when i want and i get to keep the deer free of charge on the one in scotland

to good to be true i know it does but he would never let me down


right here is the problem


i have never stalked or shot a deer from a high seat so i dont want to go with the boys in scotland and make my self look a tool so i am after a bit of a mentor to just show me the ropes


i am wiling to pay and you give me the money back when we go on my shoot to prove im not just after a free ride i am going on a days course in peterbourgh but i would like abit more practise


so the offer if you take me out a few times and not a complete *** i would be more than happy to share the stalking i have with you





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Ok yes interested i also travel a little nearer and farther Dumfries and the furthest is Kyle of Lochalsh have some stalking near Hawes and ive stalked all my life if you want to meet for a chat i'll give you my mobile but here is my email ************ let me know

Edited by Beardo
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hi adam would love to teach you the stalk and shoot

but wouldnt want to be one of those who might get blamed for taking the p***

can i recommend just go do your ds1 course then no one can tell you how its done

there are plenty of organisations running them and its recognised you will go through all you need to know

for a head start

i know fort william well i had the privilage to shoot there once years ago before it got out of my price range

so you are well lucky

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