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Managed to fool a few crows today

dog tired

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Hi all, I got to field around 7.30 a.m and due to the freezing easterly wind i decided to set up my carp umbrella hide which would hopefully give me and dog (jenny) a more comfortable day.To be honest i bought it from a second hand shop for 8 quid and was really pleased with the warmth and comfort it gave but the downside was i was restricted from taking any overhead shots.

Anyway after adding nets and natural foliage to blend in better i think it made a pretty good hide.

So i then set out 15 crow shells and got settled with a coffee and started using my primos which brought in a jackdaw which fell to a 32 g /6 clear pigeon Jenny soon retrieved it and out came my flapper and then added to the pattern.

The birds were few and far between all day which was disappointing as i did a recce yesterday and they were everywhere.Managed to fool 24 of them though and jenny enjoyed every minute.

Cheers all :good:sorry folks i have 5 pics but can only get one on will try again.





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I save photos to my computer, I then go to File, then Open With, I have several options then and I use Microsoft Office Picture Manager.


The photo then opens in this, then I click Picture and the drop down menu has the option Compress Pictures. A side bar opens with four options and I use the Web Page one, it shows you the existing and compressed size.


I then save the compressed picture with an amended name, usually just add web to it. Then when I close Picture Manager it says there are things that haven't been saved. I ignore this and just close it down. By doing it this way I have two images, the original full size photo and the compressed one.


Hope that helps.


I'm no computer expert and I'm sure there's better ways of doing it but this is fine for me.

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