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Duckduckgo Search engine

Doc Holliday

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Does anyone use this? Or do you use another search engine which doesn't collect information on your search habits? I was watching Horizon last night and felt quite uncomfortable knowing that these technogeeks gather up all this data so they can target tailor made advetising at you. I don't know about you but this really doesn't sit right with me as you just don't know what else they are looking at or what opinions they are forming about what you use the internet for so I decided to see if there were any search engines that didn't log your info and duckduckgo was one of them. Ok, you have to type in the complete wording of what you are looking for but it shows how lazy we have become when we even find this a chore, which I did but I'm sure I will get over it.

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If you delete history and cookies after looking for porn then it might not do this but I'm no it geek...


Unfortunately not, that's the misconception. Fact of the matter is nothing you do on the internet is anonymous, all you can really do is make your data slightly harder to find. The plus side is unless you are a high ranking politician or doing something illegal no one really cares what you are looking at (except maybe advertisers and researchers)! If you do believe in personal privacy the internet is by no means safe, so anyone with enough dedication can find out what you're up to. DuckDuckgo is a good service from what I hear but as far as i'm aware it doesn't stop the sites you are browsing from collecting and saving personal data.


@Beardo Chrome incognito mode just doesn't save cookies or browsing history, it's not close to private browsing. Firefox's private browsing is better, but still widdling in the wind.

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