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What a Sunday


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Well I got out yesterday nice an early and as the pigeons had been hitting some of the wheat shoot I was asked to set-up on the back field. When I arrived I could see the damage but rom the signs it looked more like crows than pigeons. At 7am there was no wind so I set-up a general pattern which I change swing easily around if the wind came up. twelve FUD - five full bodies but the bouncers I left out as there was no wind and not much forecasted.


Ten minutes in first shot and first victim - big fat crow. two hours later another crow and then a pigeon. At twelve I packed up. I saw five pigeons all day and thos I saw where high up and not interested. The crows where there but I only had one decoy so not easily to lure in.


On the way back i bagged a squizzel that was shouting at me from the tree.... he was giving i large for some reason. Dropped like a stone on the first shot.


five shots and four in the bag but I would rather of had 105 shots as then at least there would have been some sport.


Checked the rape fields on the way back - nothing. not on my fields or those around us..... dont know where they where but there were not in my part of Cambridge.

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Oh there have been hundreds but on Sunday there were none.... even the farmer coul dnot beleive it. Talking to some of the guys over Newmarket way there seem to be a lot on the paddocks so may be they are on the clover still....... .

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