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A change of Constabulary


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Hi everybody.


I have been under the wing of the Avon and Somerset Constabulary for some time, but have recently moved house to a new location that falls under the Gloucestershire wing. The guns and Storage have stayed at my old address as this is my parent’s home and I feel the guns are better in a permanent location, rather than a temporary one with me.


I sent a letter and email to Avon and Somerset Constabulary indicating the above and providing my new address.

They called me not long ago to arrange an appointment as two armed officers would be coming to pay me a visit and have a chat with me and collect my old certificate, then post me the new one. I did ask what the meeting was about, but the guy on the end of the line was relatively vague, but did use words like 'if successful' and 'provided all is well'. Although I’m sure this is all very standard for that branch I came away feeling like this was another interview to see if I am eligible to possess a shotgun certificate?

We did both acknowledge my renewal is not due for another year.


Does this sound normal or standard. The thing going through my head is, why do I require another meeting and what could this be about. I’m quite content that they may want to meet me as I’m new to their books.


Any advice appreciated.



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If your guns were at the last address and staying I would have waited till you were ready to move them. There shouldn't be an issue but if it is just move them and its then their issue if you then move again.


I though you had to inform the Fire Arms Department if you were to move residential address?

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Its an interesting one and technically you are but short term if its your parents house and you still have the only access then you can chance leaving them there and your ticket registered there. Similarities I'd think of are mine stayed put while at Uni and for a fair while at my first address, they didn't know i had moved and I still had full access whenever I needed to so i didn't feel the need to inform them

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Well I will be living at my new property for about six years so I thought it better I let them know for my paperwork.

The part I find strange is that they are basically coming to see me to see if I am a mentally sound individual and check the security of my home etc (even though all this has already taken place and the security of the cabinet is irrelevant as it’s at the other property).

It just feels a little odd that’s all. I’ve been through all of this but perhaps they just want to meet me and make sure I’m not a nut job.

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6 years you'd be better moving the guns in, in theory the main reason for a visit is to check security so it is a little odd but all you can do is go with it and see how it goes


That’s the plan eventually, myself and my girlfriend have only been there one month and we are just bedding in. Once we are past the six month mark and all is well I hope to move the guns. The land lord is a very nice chap who knows I shoot. I just want to make a good impression.

Thanks for the reply!

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