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A good result....


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I have been having a few issues hitting pigeons witht he shotgun and after a few frustraiting sessions I went to a clay ground to try my luck there and to try and see where i was going wrong. 50 clays later and only five hit it was time to call in the professionals and get a lesson.


Yesterday I had an hours session with Mick at the Cambridge Gun Club and within a few minutes it was decided my eyes where fine, the dominance of my eyes was as I thought but the gun was way to small. After ten clays using my gun and the club gun he also spotted my left eye was becoming active so I closed my left eye.


RESULT.... I was now hitting the clays more consistently - far from perfect but I was hitting 25%. A few more later and an injection of some agression and focus and I was hitting 60%.


Back to the club shop to look at some guns and to cut a long story short I traded in my shotgun and air rifle for a rand new Fabarm ELOS 30" multi-choke.


Last night I took her to the Kennet clay shoot in the evening and hit 18 out of 50 - still loads of improvement needed I know but a first outing with a new gun and some tricky stands..... Well I am pleased, just need to get some more practise in and I will be a pig in muck.


A good day I think.


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