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Scope turrets,ballistic programs and a bit of fun


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Whilst waiting for a replacement HMR and the pigeons to stop being luved up in the ivy :wub: , I have been messing about with ballistic programs for some fun.


I recently bought an excellent scope from JS ramsbottom. Its a 3-9x50. Excellent optics, fine milldot ret, med height turrets.


The only downside was the turrets weren't re-settable so it was a pain to reference the zero mark. Pic here shows the 50 yard zero on the fac air wolf.


So thinking there must be a screw hidden under it, it was easy enough to flick off the ally badge in the cap.


This exposed the brass screw that held the turret cap on.



The screw was tight with thread lock, but a steady twist loosened it off. The turret cap then lifted off and I was able to reposition it at zero. :good:



With that done and the relevant info put into the strelok ballistic app on my phone, I went off to play :lol: It was easy to read of the required MOA's or clicks required as I pushed the range out and very satisfying to keep dropping the bisley magnums into the bull without guessing gaps in the milldots. The 22lr wears the same scope, so that had the same treatment. As the drop is reasonably pronounced in the 22lr, again being able to use minutes of angle or clicks to pop the crosshairs on the target instead of the milldot gap variable was perfect and accurate.

I also used the ballistic app to calculate the required clicks of compensation on the sub 12 air rifle. If the information put into the program is correct, it takes accuracy to another level for us mere mortals. It wouldn't be hard to make a turret wrap for faster reference.

I thought it might be of interest :yes:

Edited by turbo33
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