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Hello chaps :lol:


whats the best way to clean the barrel on a AAS410, I have got a rod type cleaner with the brass brush on the end, I usually spray some WD40 oil down the barrel then push the rod up and down the barrel a couple of thimes then dry fire the gun a few times to blow the **** out. :shout: will that do the job do you think or do I need to buy one of those snake bore things you can buy for shot guns. :lol:


Oh and will I need to re zero the rifle after cleaning the barrel.


thanks in advance Kipper :lol:

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Pull throughs.


Anything brass has the potential of knackering the barrell.


Do you really need to clean the barrell. Every time you clean it you have to relead it and that takes about 500 pellets. There is an endless debate about whether to clean or not. Have you done a search and found the two sides of the arguement? It was covered in detail on here a while back.

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Are you cleaning the rifling because accuracy is poor /abysmal or get as much enjoyment from maintaining the rifle as you do using it .


I have the FAC version .......To date in 6 years I reckon I put over 2000 pellets through it ....Accuracy only dropped off recently ,In fact it was bad ...From experience I tried pull throughs and them filter thingies that you fire and the problem was'nt remedied by doing this so a waste of time really .........what did work however was removing the barrel and with a parker hale rod, nylon brush ,jag and butches bore shine scrubbing the rifling out . :good:

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Are you cleaning the rifling because accuracy is poor /abysmal or get as much enjoyment from maintaining the rifle as you do using it .


I have the FAC version .......To date in 6 years I reckon I put over 2000 pellets through it ....Accuracy only dropped off recently ,In fact it was bad ...From experience I tried pull throughs and them filter thingies that you fire and the problem was'nt remedied by doing this so a waste of time really .........what did work however was removing the barrel and with a parker hale rod, nylon brush ,jag and butches bore shine scrubbing the rifling out . :good:


Regular cleaning stops the need for this.

Let it get too bad and yes you need to desperate measures.

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Iv'e had an airarms S300 for about 8 years an must of put over 40 tins of pellets through it, never cleaned it and still shoots very accurately. If you clean them it rubs a thin coating of lead out of the barel an it is this that keeps it accurate because it fills small scratches and marks on the inside of the barrel. So unless your having problems i wouldnt bother mate. Hope this helps. :good:

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Thanks for all of your replies chaps, :good:


Im not having any problems with the gun or accuract. I have had it for about 5yrs now and I have only cleaned the barrel a couple of times with the rod type cleaner. (I do clean and oil the moving parts of the gun every now and then when I feel its ready)


I may try the swan filter Idea and the pull through's next time it needs cleaning.


I didn't think the brass type brushes would damage the barrel tho. I use one on the shotgun every time I have been out with it. :good:


Thanks again KIPPER :good:

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Are you cleaning the rifling because accuracy is poor /abysmal or get as much enjoyment from maintaining the rifle as you do using it .


I have the FAC version .......To date in 6 years I reckon I put over 2000 pellets through it ....Accuracy only dropped off recently ,In fact it was bad ...From experience I tried pull throughs and them filter thingies that you fire and the problem was'nt remedied by doing this so a waste of time really .........what did work however was removing the barrel and with a parker hale rod, nylon brush ,jag and butches bore shine scrubbing the rifling out . :good:


Regular cleaning stops the need for this.

Let it get too bad and yes you need to desperate measures.


Have to agree :good:


Basically I was still dropping rabbits ............It was'nt until I could,nt explain some easy misses and poor hits that I investigated further :good:


Always a probable senario when you move up to more powerful rifles that you tend to neglect the Air rifle by overlooking such matters .

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