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Party for the animals in the netherlands


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No kidding, the party for the animals :lol: got elected in the dutch government with the elections yesterday. They have now two seats of a total of 150. :good: Does not sound much but they can do a lot of harm !


Now you know how bad it is in my country: there are (quite a few) people who think animals are far better then people. What about war, poverty, starvation, drought..... no no not important, hunting must be banned, become all vegetarians, wear no leather anymore. They have only animal related political topics. Mostly the party for the animals people(?) consist of hard core greenies and environmentalists (like your A.L.F.).


For me it is a black day. :lol::)


When it is getting to much over here, can i shoot with you guys please..... :lol:




p.s. i like animals, but they do not come first! :blush:

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Well what can you expect from the country that first legalised sex, drugs and rock n roll :good:


Bad enough that we have to have these people around even worse that they can get voted into government. The problem is these people have agendas and will infiltrate every area of our lives so they can make things very difficult for us. I sympathise HH.

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