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Silly dog (fox) / phone call works

Alpha Mule

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Was out for a sniff the other night. I had walked along a hedge overlooking a broad but not very long field. I had crept along it for quite a way scenting fox every now and again. At the far end is a gate and as I crept through I saw an orange tail disappear into the hedge opposite. From what I saw it was a scrawny looking thing. Not massively impressed with myself for not spotting it first I worked my way back along the hedge, picked a spot, laid the rifle on top and though that I'd give some of those rabbit distress calls I downloaded onto my phone a while back a try.

About 2 minutes into the concert the fox came bounding out of the hedge about 50 yards off. He was right in front of me and didn't look like he was about to stop, so I coughed and he just sat back on his bum and tilted his head the way dogs do when they don't get what you are up to. The he just fell flat on his face. A 50g Ballistic tipped Hornady .22-250 at 30 yards does that!

So I waited for a few, but nothing showed, so I went through the gate and up to see the damage. Jeez!

SO I was looking at the hedge to decide where to chuck him, thinking he was bigger than I originally though - that's when I clocked the face of the scrawny one again. She? tuned and disappeared into the thick bush.

When I looked for the entry hole I couldn't find it, but the exit wound was easier to locate. I'm so happy that the back-drop was a few million tonnes of Welsh hillside!

Image quality is pants, it was on my phone, but clearly shows just how careful we have to be.


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