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Makeshift Pheasant Feeders!

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Well everything is in full motion at our little shoot now. Birds are ordered for the 22nd of June. Pen is all complete and ready for them!

Cover crops have been marked and fenced off and ploughed ready for drilling this coming week.

Feed and straw is on order for delivery in the next 2 weeks. Been busy trapping all the usual culprits!


Been up today and made up the last of my feeders in the pen. Thought id share the design with you guys as id pretty pleased with them and they worked out very cheap. As you can see from the pictures they are just 25kg buckets screwed to 5ft half round posts knocked into the ground. A small section of 2"x1" batten inside to secure it and a badger proof feeder nozzle dropped through a pre drilled hole. Bucket handle is also hooked onto a screw in hook to help hold the weight. Lids snap on nice and tight and they are fairly solid and hold the weight of the wheat well!


Think it works out at about £7 per feeder all in!


Hope everyone else is getting on well on their little shoots and looking forward to a good summer and season!







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as a pestie I'm not in favour of using poisons against squirrels, feeling its far better to trap or shoot, squirrels unlike rats who will sit on poison and eat, tend to hide a percentage of their daily food, ready for winter, you can therefore get pockets of warfarin poison dotted around the area only inches underground, which can then be found and eaten by non target species, is it a good idea having all those stashes of poison laying there for your newly acquired birds to stumble upon and eat?

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I may be wrong but if I were you I would put some support under the front edge,furthest away from the post,as in time,the weight of the feed could start to pull on the post and the handle.We use big strong sturdy barrels and even these can grow misshapen after a while,especially as the plastic constantly heats up and cools down.In time the plastic can become brittle.Just a thought.

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