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Cast Bullet reloading .303 advice needed

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I'm looking into starting to reload cast bullets for my #4 Mk2 Lee Enfield.

I have been looking at the advice on castboolits etc but would appreciate advice from experienced people.

I fire on a 100m range so I would be happy with a target round for this range.

The barrel slugged out at 0.314.

Can anyone recommend a bullet mould suitable for the barrel diameter and load data to go with it.


Many thanks

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Right, first do not get a bullet mould yet. Buy some cast bullets from this bloke to start with




and take his advice on loads I would recommend 12grains of Unique.


Casting your own bullets for a rifle is like trying to learn to swim by jumping in the deep end. Have you cast bullets before? have you any source of very hard alloy? Its all possible but one step at a time,

Edited by Vince Green
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I'd be interested to see how you get on with this. I reload for a No4 but with jacketed bullets. I've been thinking of having a go at casting for it. I used to cast pistol bullets yonks ago, but sold my lead pot and all the gear like a numpty :(

Edited by Blunderbuss
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