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L200 crew cab

shotgun tim

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green 7 months mot 6 months tax, fsh ,new rear springs, cam belt done and new pulleys ,alloy wheels ,spare set of m/t wheels & tyres, the fuel pump went on this pick up so i sourced 1 from a scrapyard fitted it but since has come up with a fault (5118 RPM SENSOR SIGNAL) it starts and runs but over 3000 revs the engine management light comes on, so turn it off and it resets itself, it also has a small oil leak from the rocker cover gasket, i have the original pump plus another sent from the original scrap yard
the pick up has a iffor williams canopy also has handle for light in the roof it has been used for shooting so has a small dent on front wing and odd scratch inside is like new has rear bar/step i use the pick up daily



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