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Jill ferrets in season


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No mate in order to bring jills out they need to mate otherwise it can cause infections in the vulva and a type of cervical cancer.

If you dont want any kits put a vasectomised hob in with them he will do his buisness with them but he want put them in kit. Other then that theres a jill jab wich can be succesfull but most the time they come straight back in once its worn off or getting them fixed. If you intend to breed next year then i would go down the vasc hob root otherwise get them fixed.

Hope this helps.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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I got my two jills Jabbed just as they came into season - it took about two weeks for the swollen vulvas to go down but they've been good ever since although they're showing some phantom pregnancy signs with them dragging each other back to their nest but apart from that they're as nutty as fruit cakes waiting to get out in the field.

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I got my two jills Jabbed just as they came into season - it took about two weeks for the swollen vulvas to go down but they've been good ever since although they're showing some phantom pregnancy signs with them dragging each other back to their nest but apart from that they're as nutty as fruit cakes waiting to get out in the field.

nutty as fruit cakes

sound just like their parents




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