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Tunnel Traps & Non Target Species

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Out of interest & to those who are a bit concerned about mishaps with none target species I found a good way that helps keeps out the unwanted .

Its a little bit of bother but it dose work & is much better than the recommended 2 small sticks placed at each end of the tunnel & it might just save you any grief with the RSPB if they any Bill Oddies on the prowl .


I found that if you stop both ends of the tunnel with board & get a round hole cutter like the one shown & cut a figure of 8 hole as shown it works a treat & I have had no mishaps since .



Edited by Pole Star
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excellent idea.


two sticks can let too many non target species through. I once had a grey partridge in one, the whole idea of the trapping campaign was to protect our few remaining wild partridge on the farm! Kinda back fired.


Yes getting the wrong things in the trap can cause us some concern scolopax I cant say its foolproof but so far it has worked & I hope it catches on & the Game Conservancy get word of it . The holes are plenty big enough to entice Rats , Stoats , Weasels & Squirrels if they willing to take a peek .


ATB Pole Star

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