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Bought a gun the day before my cert expired, new on e already issued.


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For general reference:


I bought a single barrel 20g from TwoSmokingBarrels on here and picked it up from the RFD last Saturday.


My old certificate expired the next day, but as the new certificate wasn't valid yet he said he could only enter

the details on the old one.


When my old cert expired and the new one became valid the new cert then didn't have the new gun on it.


I wasn't sure what do so phoned licensing here in Edinburgh. The woman on the phone said not to worry because

it would be on the system if anyone did a check. She also said they wouldn't re-print the new license because

"the paper's expensive".


I wasn't happy about this so emailed my FEO. He phoned to say he understood why I wasn't happy so is

calling round next week to take my old certificate and said he'd 'officially' enter the new gun details on

the new cert. I'm much happier now.


I was impressed when they got my renewal certificate out to me about two months early, but doing

it so far in advance will only increase the likely-hood of this happening!


Just thought I'd post this in case anyone found themselves in the same situation.



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