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Scoring sporting clay rounds


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Hi all,


Apologies for any mangled terminology here, but I have some questions about dealing with no birds when scoring a round of sporting clays.


1. What happens with a no bird on a stand with 2 single clays ? Do you retake it or mark the no bird on your score sheet?


2. What happens with a single no bird in a pair? Do you record the remaining whole bird as a hit / miss or do you retake the pair? Same question, but for the pair - what if both clays break or do not appear?


3. Do any of the above scoring situations change if th shooter fires on the broken clay? I guess I'm thinking of the ball / strike rule in baseball (I can't think of a cricket analogy, sorry)





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We retake the pair with the good bird score established. Ie retake first established as miss or hit.

If it was a simultaneous pair then retake pair no previous score established.



Don't you run out of clays quite quickly that way though ? I get 10 extra clays if I buy 100. Each miss would reduce that by 2 which only allows for 5 no birds on a course / round. And I always see more than that - I had 3 on a single stand this weekend before giving up on the faulty trap...

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in a registered round of esk the rules would apply as follows...

in a situation where 2 birds are released with the second on report. if the first is a no bird then the pair is retaken. if it is shot at then a warning is given

in a situation where 2 birds are released with the second on report if the first is a good bird and the second a no bird then the ref will call 'first bird established' pair again. the score of the first target will stand. so in a case where the first is missed and the second a no bird, the shooter will repeat the pair his/her first target will stay a loss regardless of whether he hits it of misses it on the repeated pair and the second target will be shot as normal. the shooter must make an attempt to hit the first bird when repeated. established losses cannot be changed if the repeat bird is killed.


on a simultaneous pair no establishments are made and regardless of which target 'no birds' or in the odd occasion that they both do, the pair is to be shot again. if they hit one of the simo birds the first time and miss it the second, the it is lost.


hope this helps even if it is a bit long winded.



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