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Wild Boars take over


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It's actually very sensible if you want enough boar present to be able to do that damage then you pay for it, otherwise you need to shoot them and have a smaller population

It would be very sensible, if all hunters would think in the same way.

Fact is that hunters with mainly "woodland" where the wb live don't care about the population because it can't cause a severe damage in the forest. So some of them even feed them to get a bigger population. But those wb don't stay in the forest through the whole time. During night time they spread out into the fields cause damage and after sunlight they are back again in the thick and save forest.

In my opinion to solve this different thinking and to get hunters to work together will be a challenge. If we can't solve it, we will loose our hunting rights / system


PS: Last week 4 more wb being now transfered into deliciouse ham.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ich würde gerne versuchen einige, hog auf einem Butty.


Nice going pal ATB Tim

Pretty good German ! Respect. Thanks


Boars haven't stopped yet bugging us:


Just one example from the last weeks


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That's some serious rutting ! Do u use dogs and beaters to flush the boar or are You more into stalking ?


We are more into stalking and kind of waiting at different and interesting places (for the wb) because the wb hide in the forest and the parts where they rest belongs to the neighbours. So no chance to beat them at the moment (neighbours are not willing to hunt them, now; most of their hunting ground is forest, so there won't be any crop damage ...)


But one day they will make a mistake ... ;-)



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