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2 hours with the airgun


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What was the roosting situation like? Was the tree's in close quarters and open? just curious on roost shooting with an air rifle.


Nice shooting.


there are two main places i roost shoot, both about 200yrds from one another.


The first is a small corner of my permission with 4-5 big mature oaks. there is very little cover below them so i hung my camo net from the fence, therefore hiding me from veiw then the birds come in.


The second is a row of large conifers, about 10 of them. The pigeon do fly direcetly into the conifer to roost, but it gets dark rather quick under these so finding the bird is hard in the branches when taking a shot. however, at the end of the row of conifers there is a large oak which after watching, i found the majority of pigeons land in this oak, spend a few moments then hop into the conifers. It is when they are in the oak i shoot most of them. Where i sit aswell, i have a good veiw of the rest of the conifer strip aswell.


Also during the day, both of these places are well used by pigeons and corvids as sitty tree's.


I would recomend you give it a go, its good fun if you have an afternoon free

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