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Gun care & oils


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What oils and greases are used on a shotgun, where abouts, and how often. How often, say, do you need to take off the stock and lube the 'workings'?






I work for a train operating company as an engineer and have access to a mutitude of oils, etc. and am wondering if they are any good for a shotgun?


Many thanks

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take a look and you can figure out for yourself what you like to do.


personaly i hate oils and grease, the reasons are obvious, they are dirt and grit magnets.

myself i use the lube you can see in the pics, its a molycoat spray on and dry.

we use it in the industry here and all my guns get it twice a year, especialy the tubes.


any questions you have feel free to PM, be only to glad to help.



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its not a grease buddy, its a dry lube, product is made by dow corning the name is 321 dry film, its a super lube for all moving parts and in high wear areas, temp ranges from -200c to 450c, that should cover any area you shoot in, it sticks and permiates the small holes in all steel's creating a barrier between any mating parts, if you look at the area around the block and pin you can see the sheene, this is he effect of the lube sliding over itself and between faces therefore sealing off any high wear spots, i do my guns twice a year with no problems, my 1st ultra has in the region of 200k through it and is still tight , eg if you hold the gun horizontal it slides open smoothly and dosent drop like an essex girls "g string" :blush::blush:


its a great lube and last's for a long time, you need not keep applying everytime you take out the gun, to strip use a solvent .... parrafin based will sufice, dry clean and re-apply , the tubes will thank you with ease of in and out, you can run it through your barrels as well with no adverse effect, the chamber area is a must as its one of the most unprotected areas on a shotgun, you will find this area prone to rust with the constant tempreture change from firing to cooling, in wet and dry climates.


try it you will be pleased with the results



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Well, if it's good enough for space shuttles, then I guese it's good enough for me. I take it that this is a universally known good grease for a gun?


Are there any UK internet suppliers or will a good gun shop have it? Have done a search but can only find it in USA - 3.6 kgs of the stuff....... $1048.16 :yes:

They do have a spray for $31.72 !

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