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Unexpected Catch in Mink Trap!

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I have a few cage traps set for a chap who has lost a load of chickens to what we believe are mink - Basically I have set the traps and then shown him how to reset them on the understanding that he is to check them twice daily (Morning and evening) and call me if there are any mink or rats in them. The traps are baited up with bits of rabbit and kippers. To cut a long story short I was eating my tea just now when my mobile went.

The converstaion went like this:

Him: Hi, it's ******* with the poultry and mink traps.

Me: Yes, how's things going?

Him: Well, you will not believe what has been caught in one of the traps.

Me: Don't tell me, another rat? (I had a big old rat in one on Sunday which the terrier very adeptly dispatched)

Him: No.

Me: A mink?

Him: No such luck!

Me: A cat?

Him: No!

Me: OK, I give up.

Him: A pretty skinny female albino ferret!

Me: Do you want me to come down and collect and rehome it?

Him: No, A friend who keeps ferrets has done that and is homing it, it's actually quite tame still.


I have heard of feral ferrets being cuaght occasionally in traps but by all acounts this one was quite tame so might not have been on the loose for long. It would not surprise me if a ferret were to kill a chicken if it were hungry enough but i have to ask ; Would a ferret kill a load of chickens just for the hell of it and not eat any like a mink would?

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I have a few cage traps set for a chap who has lost a load of chickens to what we believe are mink - Basically I have set the traps and then shown him how to reset them on the understanding that he is to check them twice daily (Morning and evening) and call me if there are any mink or rats in them. The traps are baited up with bits of rabbit and kippers. To cut a long story short I was eating my tea just now when my mobile went.

The converstaion went like this:

Him: Hi, it's ******* with the poultry and mink traps.

Me: Yes, how's things going?

Him: Well, you will not believe what has been caught in one of the traps.

Me: Don't tell me, another rat? (I had a big old rat in one on Sunday which the terrier very adeptly dispatched)

Him: No.

Me: A mink?

Him: No such luck!

Me: A cat?

Him: No!

Me: OK, I give up.

Him: A pretty skinny female albino ferret!

Me: Do you want me to come down and collect and rehome it?

Him: No, A friend who keeps ferrets has done that and is homing it, it's actually quite tame still.


I have heard of feral ferrets being cuaght occasionally in traps but by all acounts this one was quite tame so might not have been on the loose for long. It would not surprise me if a ferret were to kill a chicken if it were hungry enough but i have to ask ; Would a ferret kill a load of chickens just for the hell of it and not eat any like a mink would?

Certainly, just don't ask how I know that!

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