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Getting a Swarovski scope serviced - anyone done it?


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I need a Swarovski scope of mine looking at and I'd like to send it back to Swarovski because I understand they will service it - I don't know if it's true or folk lore, but I understand they will give it a fully Monty refurb, make sure it works and send it back to me (for a price).


Anyone actually done it and if so, where did you send it to and what was the drill?


Ta very campers

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Alright, anyone looking for the details later on, try:


Swarovski Optics,

Unit 11,

Tarbot House,

Perry Wood Business Park,

Honeycrock Lane,


Surrey. RH1 5JQ.


I phoned the number on the Swaro webby, was put through to Austria where the phone was answered immediately, I was then transferred to the UK distributor where the phone was also answered immediately and "the score" explained to me.


It could all go horribly wrong from hereon in, but I get the feeling that as in all things in life, you generally get what you pay for.

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