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Following on from this thread, My FEO came around today and OK'ed my gun cabinet - it's been holding my o/u 12g for a week and a half.


Apparently gun safes are safe, but not to store ammo in - if someone gets in, they've got the gun and the shells to go with it (just as my friend said). He advised me to store it separately, preferably in a lockable box. It's in the loft at the moment - OK as it's well away from the gun.


My dilema... After inspecting the gun, cabinet, etc. he went to leave but the cabinet was still open. As I opened the front door, the jack russel pup of my wifes(!) darted outside into the road for a marathon run around! :lol:


There I am in my slippers, FEO just about to drive away, cabinet still unlocked and no-one else at home, wondering what to do. At this point the dog was still just running around the front gardens.


After a split seconds thought, I went inside, locked the cabinet, changed my shoes, THEN went after the dog. Luckily she didn't end up under a car and was on the green where we normally walk her.


So... (putting security first) Glad I secured the cabinet and front door first and was still able to find the dog - she lead me on a run Roger Bannister would have been proud of!


But I can't help wondering what the FEO made of it all. :good:

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because up here in scotland you need your cabinet aproved BEFORE you can buy a shotgun when first getting the ticket

soo your story dont add up can you explain please ??



or is it just me being thick ??



cheers kirky


hello where did he go dirty was here a min ago :good::lol:

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No, I haven't just moved. I think each constabluary has it's own little 'sub rules' on how/when they issue a certificate.


I applied for a SGC on 19th Nov 06. The FEO came to visit on the 29th Nov and told me the SGC would be ready in about ten days - he'll give me a call and if the cabinet is fixed in, a quick tug and he'll hand over the cert.


Well, the cert arrived in the post 18th Dec, so on 27th Dec I bought my gun and sent off the informing letter to plod. Towards the end of last week the FEO phoned to make an appointment for today.


In a covering letter in the SGC application pack, the back page states...


"..... It is not a precondition to install security prior to the issue of a shot gun certificate."




RE. Russell hunting....


"you could have grabbed your O/U and some shells and gone Russel huntin (no offence)


One way of catching that rasscle"


Bloody felt like it, I'll tell you. Why the wife had to buy a JR pup is beyond me. It's a young, sprightly dog that needs plenty of exersize and 'nappy training', as well as all it's jabs, etc. We're both at work!

A 5 yr old Labrador or such from a rescue home would have been just as nice, house trained, all jabbed up, and some out patient care for a few months.... and something I could BLOODY WELL KEEP UP WITH!!! :good:


Still, Jack Russells are hunting dogs, aren't they? I threatened to train her up, grab my gun and take her out - the missus gave me a look that made daggers look like plastic 'Little Chef' knives! Run to the hills, and hide :lol:


Still, she is kinda cute, I guese; she's growing on me, and I need the exercise!



She's affectionately called 'Honey' after the Honey and Sad Sam cuddly dogs toys.

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"..... It is not a precondition to install security prior to the issue of a shot gun certificate."


agreed. but you do need to get cabinat passed by feo before buying one :look:




and as you story goes you didnt did you ?



and that cant be right


No, I didn't get a cabinet passed before buying a gun...... but the FEO saw fit to send me the SGC which gives me permission to purchase a gun and cartridges.


The minute the FEO got wind of my purchase, he came around to inspect the cabinet - he had already done a security check on the flat before and spoke about the best place to site the cabinet. I assume he was satisefied otherwise the gun and cartridges would now be in the police's possession.


Incedently, the same letter stating about the 'precondition' has at the opening of the paragraph that it is the certificate holders responsibily to ensure that the shotgun is stored in an approved cabinet (I'll check the exact wording when I get home). So they've covered themselves and given me the responsibility.


I don't know if the rules are different from area to area, constabuary to constabuary, wether on the initial visit they get a good sense of your personality (how responsible a person you are), or maybe the fact that I was a range officer in the ATC (air cadets) and that I'd have done a weeks training course at RAF St. Athen, may have altered things, I don't know.


But no, you're right.... As my story goes, I didn't, did I! :yp:

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what amazed me was that you dont have to lock up shotgun ammo but you have to lock up firearms ammo

Which is worse someone stealing some 243 bullets or stealing some shotgun cartridges, a shotgun cartridge of 6 would not do you a lot of good nor would a 243 depending on the range they would both probably kill you.


In some ways I just look athe law and sail through all its gigantic loopholes :look:

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